Monday, September 03, 2007

The Moon: Eclipsed


Last week, I stayed up for the Lunar Eclipse. Almost ended up forgetting about it as I was busy blogging and we all know how one can get absorbed in their blogging.

All the sudden, it struck me, Yikes! The Moon!! So I tossed my laptop aside (well, I didn't really toss it) jumped up and ran to get my camera... but I had forgotten something else. Went to turn the camera on... Shoot... the battery was completely drained. So I gave it a quick charge.

Grabbed the tripod while the battery was plugged into the wall and attached my battery-less Panasonic FZ-50. Looked at the moon and thought oh darn I think missed it... but nope, as it was partially transcended, I was still in time to capture the celestial event.

Back into the house I went... snatched the battery off the wall and popped it into camera. Turned it on... not much of a charge, but it would have to do. Ran outside... In my camera lens, I lined up the lunar event and managed to capture a few shots.

I wish I had been more prepared. They aren't as good as I hoped but I got some I liked. But, I guess, it's the best I coulda hoped for, everything considered.

The pics are untouched. I plan on working on a couple of them a little. I might replace or add them later.

Hope you like them as is for now.


Lisa M. said...

I'm glad you didn't miss it.

I didn't even try to take a photo, but we all gathered round to watch it.

I love eclipses.


You did well, Obi-one.

Suzanne Fogarty said...

Hey Ollie -
Thanks for your kind comments on my new to this blogging thing, and just added it recently to my site. So I had to check yours out too - VERY cool eclipse shots!!
I voted for Bugs. Of Course.
Suzanne Fogarty

Onions Amoung Us said...

I'm so glad you liked the pictures.

And Bugs is the greatest!
