Thursday, February 07, 2008

$6 Milk... It was "Organic" though.

Saw this milk in the Organic Section of Krogers... wondered what it tasted like. No way would I pay 6 bucks for milk though. I waited the manager out... when it got near the Sell by date the manager dropped the price by half... the price of the regular milk on the other side of the store. Still kinda high, huh...

But I thought, what the heck, here is my chance to give it a try.

It tasted a lot different... a lot.

It was sweet and kinda odd tasting. I didn't really get used to it. Mostly, I used it on cereal a few times, put it back in the fridge and kinda forgot about it.

Funny thing... (some time later), when I went back to the fridge I saw the milk jug sitting there and I thought, "Oh, that milk is gonna be bad."

Opening the container, I was quite surprised to find that it still looked and smelled good. Nope, I didn't taste it too see how good or bad it really was. hehe