Thursday, August 13, 2009

Caught in a Pickle

The Progressive Left are the ones trying to steal Home and are now caught in a pickle.

They are stalling halfway between 3rd and Home. Even so, they will stop at nothing… They will say Anything.

These Progressives and their Media Lapdogs are really unbelievable. Have you heard that the word “Socialist” has now been suggested to be the new code for the “n” word? How absurd is that?

Seriously? Com’on now.

Yet, they still cast their aspersions as they backtrack in the run down by trying to make anything negative said against them off base.

Well, it is they who are off base and they know this, or at least, most of the Progressives do… the rest are either in denial or they are just sheeple.

They cannot misconstrue the manner in which the opposition speaks and or fabricate their own definitions to defend against what Good and Moral People legitimately know, feel and say about them. They cannot declare Everything off base. Eventually, these Progressives will have to own up to their responsibility. Why? That is because the base runner is always outnumbered in a pickle and they always tire out in the face of good defense.

Don’t allow them to steal Home. Keep Playing Good Defense.

Don’t let them take Your Voice away and We Will Prevail.

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