Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Caught in a Pickle
The Progressive Left are the ones trying to steal Home and are now caught in a pickle.
They are stalling halfway between 3rd and Home. Even so, they will stop at nothing… They will say Anything.
These Progressives and their Media Lapdogs are really unbelievable. Have you heard that the word “Socialist” has now been suggested to be the new code for the “n” word? How absurd is that?
Seriously? Com’on now.
Yet, they still cast their aspersions as they backtrack in the run down by trying to make anything negative said against them off base.
Well, it is they who are off base and they know this, or at least, most of the Progressives do… the rest are either in denial or they are just sheeple.
They cannot misconstrue the manner in which the opposition speaks and or fabricate their own definitions to defend against what Good and Moral People legitimately know, feel and say about them. They cannot declare Everything off base. Eventually, these Progressives will have to own up to their responsibility. Why? That is because the base runner is always outnumbered in a pickle and they always tire out in the face of good defense.
Don’t allow them to steal Home. Keep Playing Good Defense.
Don’t let them take Your Voice away and We Will Prevail.
They are stalling halfway between 3rd and Home. Even so, they will stop at nothing… They will say Anything.
These Progressives and their Media Lapdogs are really unbelievable. Have you heard that the word “Socialist” has now been suggested to be the new code for the “n” word? How absurd is that?
Seriously? Com’on now.
Yet, they still cast their aspersions as they backtrack in the run down by trying to make anything negative said against them off base.
Well, it is they who are off base and they know this, or at least, most of the Progressives do… the rest are either in denial or they are just sheeple.
They cannot misconstrue the manner in which the opposition speaks and or fabricate their own definitions to defend against what Good and Moral People legitimately know, feel and say about them. They cannot declare Everything off base. Eventually, these Progressives will have to own up to their responsibility. Why? That is because the base runner is always outnumbered in a pickle and they always tire out in the face of good defense.
Don’t allow them to steal Home. Keep Playing Good Defense.
Don’t let them take Your Voice away and We Will Prevail.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Jim Madison
Greetings Mister Obama,
There is a man I feel I should report to you, but I’m not exactly sure where he can be found. His name is Jim Madison and you may be able to ascertain his whereabouts as he has written numerous Essays and Articles that are absolutely contrary to your Plans and Agenda including your Health Care Reform.
Obviously, this man, who I must confess appears to have been very wise, should be dealt with, but I imagine you will have trouble coping with the many things he has written.
Some of his subversive writings may be found in something called The Federalist Papers and many other Articles which may be found in a document that has been confounding Progressives since 1789. It is called The U.S. Constitution.
You may also wish too look into a couple of his co-conspirators. The names of those men: Alex Hamilton and Johnny Jay.
A Concerned Citizen
Greetings Mister Obama,
There is a man I feel I should report to you, but I’m not exactly sure where he can be found. His name is Jim Madison and you may be able to ascertain his whereabouts as he has written numerous Essays and Articles that are absolutely contrary to your Plans and Agenda including your Health Care Reform.
Obviously, this man, who I must confess appears to have been very wise, should be dealt with, but I imagine you will have trouble coping with the many things he has written.
Some of his subversive writings may be found in something called The Federalist Papers and many other Articles which may be found in a document that has been confounding Progressives since 1789. It is called The U.S. Constitution.
You may also wish too look into a couple of his co-conspirators. The names of those men: Alex Hamilton and Johnny Jay.
A Concerned Citizen
Monday, August 03, 2009
Saturday, August 01, 2009
The Impeachment Question
The Precepts of the Case:
The Constitution of the United States of America
Article II. Section II
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Article II. Section. 4.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Article III. Section. 3.
Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Other Research:
The debate of the language:
Impeachable Offenses
The Convention came to its choice of words describing the grounds for impeachment after much deliberation, but the phrasing derived directly from the English practice. The framers early adopted, on June 2, a provision that the Executive should be removable by impeachment and conviction “of mal-practice or neglect of duty.”774 The Committee of Detail reported as grounds “Treason (or) Bribery or Corruption.”775 And the Committee of Eleven reduced the phrase to “Treason, or bribery.”776 On September 8, Mason objected to this limitation, observing that the term did not encompass all the conduct which should be grounds for removal; he therefore proposed to add “or maladministration” following “bribery.” Upon Madison’s objection that “[s]o vague a term will be equivalent to a tenure during pleasure of the Senate,” Mason suggested “other high crimes and misdemeanors,” which was adopted without further recorded debate.777
The phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the context of impeachments has an ancient English history, first turning up in the impeachment of the Earl of Suffolk in 1388.778 Treason is defined in the Constitution.779 Bribery is not, but it had a clear common-law meaning and is now well covered by statute.780 “High crimes and misdemeanors,” however, is an undefined and indefinite phrase, which, in England, had comprehended conduct not constituting indictable offenses.781 Use of the word “other” to link “high crimes and misdemeanors” with “treason” and “bribery” is arguably indicative of the types and seriousness of conduct encompassed by “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Similarly, the word “high” apparently carried with it a restrictive meaning.782
774 1 M. Farrand, supra.
775 2 M. Farrand at 172, 186.
776 Id. at 499.
777 Id. at 550.
Debate prior to adoption of the phrase783 and comments thereafter in the ratifying conventions784 were to the effect that the President (all the debate was in terms of the President) should be removable by impeachment for commissions or omissions in office which were not criminally cognizable. And in the First Congress’ “removal” debate, Madison maintained that the wanton dismissal of meritorious officers would be an act of maladministration which would render the President subject to impeachment.785 Other comments, especially in the ratifying conventions, tend toward a limitation of the term to criminal, perhaps gross criminal, behavior.786 The scope of the power has been the subject of continuing debate.787
779 Article III, § 3.
780 The use of a technical term known in the common law would require resort to the common law for its meaning, United States v. Palmer, 16 U.S. (3 Wheat.) 610, 630 (1818) (per Chief Justice Marshall); United States v. Jones, 26 Fed. Cas. 653, 655 (No. 15,494) (C.C.Pa. 1813) (per Justice Washington), leaving aside the issue of the cognizability of common law crimes in federal courts. See Act of April 30, 1790, § 21, 1 Stat. 117.
781 Berger, Impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”, 44 S. CAL. L. REV. 395, 400-415 (1971).
782 The extradition provision reported by the Committee on Detail had provided for the delivering up of persons charged with “Treason, Felony or high Misdemeanors.” 2 M. Farrand, supra at 174. But the phrase “high Misdemeanors” was replaced with “other crimes” “in order to comprehend all proper cases: it being doubtful whether ‘high misdemeanor’ had not a technical meaning too limited.” Id. at 443.
783 See id. at 64-69, 550-51.
784 E.g., 3 J. ELLIOT, DEBATES IN THE SEVERAL STATE CONVENTIONS ON ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION 341, 498, 500, 528 (1836) (Madison); 4 id. at 276, 281 (C. C. Pinckney: Rutledge): 3 id. at 516 (Corbin): 4 id. at 263 (Pendleton). Cf. THE FEDERALIST, No. 65 (J. Cooke ed. 1961), 439-45 (Hamilton).
785 1 ANNALS OF CONG. 372-73 (1789).
786 4 J. Elliot, supra at 126 (Iredell); 2 id. at 478 (Wilson). For a good account of the debate at the Constitutional Convention and in the ratifying conventions, see Alex Simpson, Jr., Federal Impeachments, 64 U. PA. L. REV. 651, 676-95 (1916)
787 See generally CHARLES L. BLACK, IMPEACHMENT: A HANDBOOK (1974); RAOUL BERGER, IMPEACHMENT: THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS (1973); MICHAEL J. GERHARDT, THE FEDERAL IMPEACHMENT PROCESS: A CONSTITUTIONAL AND HISTORICAL ANALYSIS (2d ed. 2000); PETER CHARLES HOFFER AND N.E.H. HULL, IMPEACHMENT IN AMERICA, 1635-1805 (1984); JOHN R. LABOVITZ, PRESIDENTIAL IMPEACHMENT (1978); 3 DESCHLER’S PRECEDENTS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ch. 14, § 3 “Grounds for Impeachments,” H.R. Doc. No. 661, 94th Cong. 2d Sess. (1977); Charles Doyle, Impeachment Grounds: A Collection of Selected Materials, CRS Report for Congress 98-882A (1998); and Elizabeth B. Bazan, Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice, CRS Report for Congress 98-186A (1998).
The question before us here is this: Has BHO committed some type of act, crime or mal-administration so as to constitute an Impeachment proceeding to be brought against him?
In regards to the treasonous act of levying War against the United States, I believe the Framers meant to actually Bear Arms against the United States, however, I would like to know if there are any Constitutionalist out there that believe this could be expanded to include other more abstract measures of carrying out an attack against Our Country.
As for adhering to the enemy, (and by the way, what is the definition of Enemy- may they be Foreign or Domestic?) seems like BHO’s political adherence is contrary to the beliefs of the Good and Moral People of Our Country. He is obviously in step with the Progressive’s march toward the promised, but undeliverable Utopia. But, is that treasonous? Perhaps, perhaps not, but I certainly feel (know) that Our Constitution is under attack and that the Progressive Left, of which BHO is at the forefront, is the source of this besiegement. To me usurpation on The Constitution is no different than an attack on Our Country.
BHO took an Oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, but it is quite apparent his mission is in direct opposition of the words he misspoke on Inauguration Day.
The Framers knew what they meant and meant what they wrote. They were wise men. The purpose was to create Federal Government, yes, out of need for an entity, which could do that which the States could not. However, it is not the role of Federal Government to be all encompassing- To Do All. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is very clear about the powers granted Federal Government and the rights the States exert and still do to this day.
X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Yet, BHO appears intent on grabbing power and making us dependents. Remember these tidbits from his Presidential Campaign?
"This is the greatest country in the world, now let's see what we can do to change it."
“We are 5 days away from Fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”*
People, you should let that sink in real good.
Intent is very important when determining a great many things including the path chosen, the following of Statutes and the handing down of sentences. Well, in regards to BHO his Intent is Obvious. He told us point blank what he was going to do; yet people followed him like lambs to slaughter.
Our country is not his to Ruin or Give Away.
If BHO hasn’t either committed an act of adhering to the Enemy, or some sort of High Crimes and Misdemeanor upon which he could be impeached, surely he must have broken his Oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Recently, I’ve heard a number of highly placed Conservatives not wanting to go there on the impeachment issue.
If BHO has not actually committed such an offense, we do know his Intent is certainly there.
People, we need to be thoroughly vigilant in these perilous times. Hopefully, someone of prominence can make the case before more damage is done.
Choose Liberty, Save Freedom
* "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America"
The Constitution of the United States of America
Article II. Section II
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Article II. Section. 4.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Article III. Section. 3.
Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Other Research:
The debate of the language:
Impeachable Offenses
The Convention came to its choice of words describing the grounds for impeachment after much deliberation, but the phrasing derived directly from the English practice. The framers early adopted, on June 2, a provision that the Executive should be removable by impeachment and conviction “of mal-practice or neglect of duty.”774 The Committee of Detail reported as grounds “Treason (or) Bribery or Corruption.”775 And the Committee of Eleven reduced the phrase to “Treason, or bribery.”776 On September 8, Mason objected to this limitation, observing that the term did not encompass all the conduct which should be grounds for removal; he therefore proposed to add “or maladministration” following “bribery.” Upon Madison’s objection that “[s]o vague a term will be equivalent to a tenure during pleasure of the Senate,” Mason suggested “other high crimes and misdemeanors,” which was adopted without further recorded debate.777
The phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the context of impeachments has an ancient English history, first turning up in the impeachment of the Earl of Suffolk in 1388.778 Treason is defined in the Constitution.779 Bribery is not, but it had a clear common-law meaning and is now well covered by statute.780 “High crimes and misdemeanors,” however, is an undefined and indefinite phrase, which, in England, had comprehended conduct not constituting indictable offenses.781 Use of the word “other” to link “high crimes and misdemeanors” with “treason” and “bribery” is arguably indicative of the types and seriousness of conduct encompassed by “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Similarly, the word “high” apparently carried with it a restrictive meaning.782
774 1 M. Farrand, supra.
775 2 M. Farrand at 172, 186.
776 Id. at 499.
777 Id. at 550.
Debate prior to adoption of the phrase783 and comments thereafter in the ratifying conventions784 were to the effect that the President (all the debate was in terms of the President) should be removable by impeachment for commissions or omissions in office which were not criminally cognizable. And in the First Congress’ “removal” debate, Madison maintained that the wanton dismissal of meritorious officers would be an act of maladministration which would render the President subject to impeachment.785 Other comments, especially in the ratifying conventions, tend toward a limitation of the term to criminal, perhaps gross criminal, behavior.786 The scope of the power has been the subject of continuing debate.787
779 Article III, § 3.
780 The use of a technical term known in the common law would require resort to the common law for its meaning, United States v. Palmer, 16 U.S. (3 Wheat.) 610, 630 (1818) (per Chief Justice Marshall); United States v. Jones, 26 Fed. Cas. 653, 655 (No. 15,494) (C.C.Pa. 1813) (per Justice Washington), leaving aside the issue of the cognizability of common law crimes in federal courts. See Act of April 30, 1790, § 21, 1 Stat. 117.
781 Berger, Impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”, 44 S. CAL. L. REV. 395, 400-415 (1971).
782 The extradition provision reported by the Committee on Detail had provided for the delivering up of persons charged with “Treason, Felony or high Misdemeanors.” 2 M. Farrand, supra at 174. But the phrase “high Misdemeanors” was replaced with “other crimes” “in order to comprehend all proper cases: it being doubtful whether ‘high misdemeanor’ had not a technical meaning too limited.” Id. at 443.
783 See id. at 64-69, 550-51.
784 E.g., 3 J. ELLIOT, DEBATES IN THE SEVERAL STATE CONVENTIONS ON ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION 341, 498, 500, 528 (1836) (Madison); 4 id. at 276, 281 (C. C. Pinckney: Rutledge): 3 id. at 516 (Corbin): 4 id. at 263 (Pendleton). Cf. THE FEDERALIST, No. 65 (J. Cooke ed. 1961), 439-45 (Hamilton).
785 1 ANNALS OF CONG. 372-73 (1789).
786 4 J. Elliot, supra at 126 (Iredell); 2 id. at 478 (Wilson). For a good account of the debate at the Constitutional Convention and in the ratifying conventions, see Alex Simpson, Jr., Federal Impeachments, 64 U. PA. L. REV. 651, 676-95 (1916)
787 See generally CHARLES L. BLACK, IMPEACHMENT: A HANDBOOK (1974); RAOUL BERGER, IMPEACHMENT: THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS (1973); MICHAEL J. GERHARDT, THE FEDERAL IMPEACHMENT PROCESS: A CONSTITUTIONAL AND HISTORICAL ANALYSIS (2d ed. 2000); PETER CHARLES HOFFER AND N.E.H. HULL, IMPEACHMENT IN AMERICA, 1635-1805 (1984); JOHN R. LABOVITZ, PRESIDENTIAL IMPEACHMENT (1978); 3 DESCHLER’S PRECEDENTS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ch. 14, § 3 “Grounds for Impeachments,” H.R. Doc. No. 661, 94th Cong. 2d Sess. (1977); Charles Doyle, Impeachment Grounds: A Collection of Selected Materials, CRS Report for Congress 98-882A (1998); and Elizabeth B. Bazan, Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice, CRS Report for Congress 98-186A (1998).
The question before us here is this: Has BHO committed some type of act, crime or mal-administration so as to constitute an Impeachment proceeding to be brought against him?
In regards to the treasonous act of levying War against the United States, I believe the Framers meant to actually Bear Arms against the United States, however, I would like to know if there are any Constitutionalist out there that believe this could be expanded to include other more abstract measures of carrying out an attack against Our Country.
As for adhering to the enemy, (and by the way, what is the definition of Enemy- may they be Foreign or Domestic?) seems like BHO’s political adherence is contrary to the beliefs of the Good and Moral People of Our Country. He is obviously in step with the Progressive’s march toward the promised, but undeliverable Utopia. But, is that treasonous? Perhaps, perhaps not, but I certainly feel (know) that Our Constitution is under attack and that the Progressive Left, of which BHO is at the forefront, is the source of this besiegement. To me usurpation on The Constitution is no different than an attack on Our Country.
BHO took an Oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, but it is quite apparent his mission is in direct opposition of the words he misspoke on Inauguration Day.
The Framers knew what they meant and meant what they wrote. They were wise men. The purpose was to create Federal Government, yes, out of need for an entity, which could do that which the States could not. However, it is not the role of Federal Government to be all encompassing- To Do All. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is very clear about the powers granted Federal Government and the rights the States exert and still do to this day.
X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Yet, BHO appears intent on grabbing power and making us dependents. Remember these tidbits from his Presidential Campaign?
"This is the greatest country in the world, now let's see what we can do to change it."
“We are 5 days away from Fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”*
People, you should let that sink in real good.
Intent is very important when determining a great many things including the path chosen, the following of Statutes and the handing down of sentences. Well, in regards to BHO his Intent is Obvious. He told us point blank what he was going to do; yet people followed him like lambs to slaughter.
Our country is not his to Ruin or Give Away.
If BHO hasn’t either committed an act of adhering to the Enemy, or some sort of High Crimes and Misdemeanor upon which he could be impeached, surely he must have broken his Oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Recently, I’ve heard a number of highly placed Conservatives not wanting to go there on the impeachment issue.
If BHO has not actually committed such an offense, we do know his Intent is certainly there.
People, we need to be thoroughly vigilant in these perilous times. Hopefully, someone of prominence can make the case before more damage is done.
Choose Liberty, Save Freedom
* "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America"
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